amma, i love you

ok ok, so u guys are probably sick of my touchy-lovey-dovey post abt my family.. but this one is a must; a tribute to the one who gave me life: my amma =)
i turned 21 on tuesday, and on tht day, my mom gave me the best present ever, a 3 page handwritten letter to me, her once rebellious teenage daughter.
i think over the years i've realised that the inherited Ponniah nose is not the only thing i have in common with my mom; we share many similar traits. we'r e both the youngest (my mom had 4 siblings), which probably explains why we are both quite stubborn and like gettin things our way =p. we both love eating, and we both constantly complain that we are fat, yet non of us really make a consistent effort at trying to overcome it (sorry amma!)plus, the number of times ppl have told me tht i look like my mom when she was younger (which i used to is amazing..
Anyways, just like my sis, growing up i hated my mom. as all rebellious teenagers say, i felt like she was constricting my freedom.. but now i realise tht it was all for my own good as i was bit of a wild child.. haha..

the choudhury women: gayatri, amma and me, star child..LOL!
left: me on the right: me in 30 years

like mother, like daughter, don't you thk?
love you always amma,
P.s--> my party is on tommorow!! YEAY!! im pumped!
party pics will be up as soon as i can amma, dont worry!
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