
Here's another random post..was goin through frenster and came across my sister's graduation pic in her fren's profile (she doesnt have any pics of her in her profile..she jus has a stupid pis of tht cat from shrek)
so yeah, i tot i would put up a little post abt my case ur wondering, she's the 2nd one from the right..pretty aint she?
born 2nd june 1982..Gayatri Choudhury, she's the middle child, although i always felt like she was the oldest..probably coz she was always the responsible obedient one..unlike my rebel brother..
The best memories (or should i say worse?depends how u look at it) of my childhood often involve my sister..perhaps its because i didnt go to kinder (i did but for only like 2 months or somethin like tht) but also because my sister was always creative and somehow always found a way to amuse ourselves despite out lack of toys =p
most of the time she used to trick me into doin things for her, and me being the "stupid child" (as my sister calls me) i was, ALWAYS fell for it..and later in my anger i would grab her by the hair and bang her head against the wall..yes, i know, i was a violent child.
Still, i always, always wanted to be like her.. i hated waking up in the morning because she would be at school...and would wait for the school bus with the red cross on the side to drop her back.... i remember how happy i was when my sister had kutu, because she couldnt go to school, and i was more than happy to be infected wit kutu too..oh btw, kutu is
when i was im primary school i once lied to my mom and said i was sick..because i was in afternoon school and my sister wasnt..n i wanted to play wit my sister..haha.. the things i did..seriously..
my favourite colour as a child was pink. i wanted to be a lawyer. and my best fren was stella. why?because tht was gayatri's.
but somewhere along the way..i started hating my sister..dont get me wrong, i STILL wanted to be just like her...but i hated the fact tht she was so perfect and i i hated her..
i even went through this whole stage in my teenage years when i was a complete rebel (my family would remember this, especially my mom..dont you, amma??) and jus HATED my sister..yes, its a harsh word but its true..why was she the fair pretty one?why was she the thin one? why did everyone like her so much?
it took me a while, and some growing up to do to realise, i did not hate my sister, i hated being compared to her; i hated being the inferior one. so thts when i stopped hating her.
my sister is the best sister anyone can ask for. she will never say it, but i know she loves me. she hates the sight of any form of loving affection i try to shower on her.haha. she's cute lah.
she's will do anythin for me..i mean, how many sisters would sacrifice their time to sit for hours doin your assigments while your busy havin panic attacks? how many sisters would stay wit u in the hospital cleaning ur faeces while ur having meningococcal?how many sisters would drive u all the way back to tronoh in the wee hours of the morning jus because ur homesick? my sister would =) my sister and i may not be as close as i wish, but she is someone i can always rely on will always be a big influence on my life..
so wat drove me to write this post?well i was talkin to a fren abt her relationship wit her sis and well basically they dont have wat i have wit my sis..or shucks i'l jus say it, her sister is a COMPLETE and UTTER bitch.. and then again i was havin dinner wit another fren at subway n her sister was rattin out on her to her parents to purposely get her into trouble..
so, for that, i am thankful that Gayatri Choudhury, and no one else is my darlin one and only sister.
love u =)
( i know u love me too, so might as well just admit it)
much love,
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