marrakech...BE THERE!!!!!!
ok fine so i've been fairly demanding lately in tellin u guys wat to do..but this one is a MUST!! an absolute must!! my 21st..i've finally found a place i can afford, and accordin to bianca its a fairly nice lounge, so i will just take her word for it coz i cant be f**ked to look for another, on the website it says this place has belly dancers!! evan (the manager, i presume) didnt say anythin abt tht but oh well, im jus glad tht i have a venue!!on top of tht there's gonna be food, so deepa should love it..hehe here's the details
when? friday, 29th september 2006
where? marrakech bar and lounge, 25 bank place (its somewhere near little collins)
time? 7 pm (please try to come early coz they stop serving platters at 8.30, so if u come n there's no food, it aint my fault!
for those of u ignorant ppl, my bday is actually on the 26th of sept..i just thought i'd have it on a friday cause tht way more ppl can come..cant have it on tht saturday coz thts carol's bday n i dun wanna steal her thunder...
so yeah, there u have it, im finally throwin a huge bday party!! jus like i always wanted!! yeay!!
deepa is gonna help me make invites, i'l be sendin them out soon..make sure u RSVP to me so i can add u to the guest list..otherwise ur gonna have to pay cover charge =p
and jus to reiterate things once again..COME FOR MED REVUE AND MY 21st!! here's the details
when? friday, 29th september 2006
where? marrakech bar and lounge, 25 bank place (its somewhere near little collins)
time? 7 pm (please try to come early coz they stop serving platters at 8.30, so if u come n there's no food, it aint my fault!
for those of u ignorant ppl, my bday is actually on the 26th of sept..i just thought i'd have it on a friday cause tht way more ppl can come..cant have it on tht saturday coz thts carol's bday n i dun wanna steal her thunder...
so yeah, there u have it, im finally throwin a huge bday party!! jus like i always wanted!! yeay!!
deepa is gonna help me make invites, i'l be sendin them out soon..make sure u RSVP to me so i can add u to the guest list..otherwise ur gonna have to pay cover charge =p
and jus to reiterate things once again..COME FOR MED REVUE AND MY 21st!!
tasha:nan dearest read ur blog bout the entire birthday bash which is impending..i'm sure its gonna be a blast..sounds super fun to me..wish i could be there *sigh*..remember ur 18th birthday party which we ended up celebrating in my here's what i've got to say..HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST..MY SISTER..MY EVERYTHING..have a blast!!!u rawk chicka!!!
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