marrakech was awesome!!
so tonight was my party, and even though it ended a lot earlier than expected (the party was over before 2 am!!) i had a blast!!! marrakech is an awesome place, the food was so worth the money i had to fork out and the service was great!!anyways, its 6 am and im too tired to write here's the pics:

me and aaron and our complimentary i love marrakech!!

me and my babe bianca

vasi. me. gaush. sarah is missing.

me and my UTP frens..thanks so much for comin guys!!loved the flowers!!

my frens vasi and gaush kindly informed the belly dancer it was my bday..n got me to dance wit it was fun!!(even though i looked like a complete fool trying to move my hips)

ppl thk im crazy but i thk the belly dancer was

me and my fren pete and his gf emma
pete, i thk ive told u this b4 n i'l say it again, UR AN AWESOME FREN!!
luvya loads..n it was great meetin emma
at least now we know ur not

shashi and the shisha

apple flavoured shisha(is tht how u spell it) was fun!! (dont worry amma, there's no drugs in it, its completely legal!!)

and even deepa the health freak tried it..

birthday toast wit my ammeretto..bianca i thk it taste like shit.. lol

cutting my huge choc mud was so YUM!

me wit the KK and finikias... they're from botswana and this pic

a big kiss for my awesome fren deepa

me and big jem and sunith(he's bengali in case ur wondering)

me and josh trying to look

me and aaron and our complimentary i love marrakech!!

me and my babe bianca

vasi. me. gaush. sarah is missing.

me and my UTP frens..thanks so much for comin guys!!loved the flowers!!

my frens vasi and gaush kindly informed the belly dancer it was my bday..n got me to dance wit it was fun!!(even though i looked like a complete fool trying to move my hips)

ppl thk im crazy but i thk the belly dancer was

me and my fren pete and his gf emma
pete, i thk ive told u this b4 n i'l say it again, UR AN AWESOME FREN!!
luvya loads..n it was great meetin emma
at least now we know ur not

shashi and the shisha

apple flavoured shisha(is tht how u spell it) was fun!! (dont worry amma, there's no drugs in it, its completely legal!!)

and even deepa the health freak tried it..

birthday toast wit my ammeretto..bianca i thk it taste like shit.. lol

cutting my huge choc mud was so YUM!

me wit the KK and finikias... they're from botswana and this pic

a big kiss for my awesome fren deepa

me and big jem and sunith(he's bengali in case ur wondering)

me and josh trying to look
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