goodbye melbourne, hello malaysia!!
time flies. WAAAAAYY to fast.
yesterday i was a naive 19 yr old embarking on a foreign journey to fulfil my lifelong dream of studyin overseas.
today, im all packed, getting ready to head home, as a 21 yr old, a soon to be clinical student.
my flight is tomm morning, and as excited as i am to be seeing my paula, my family and my frens, part of me is dreading the change tht will come when i return next yr.
melbourne just wont be the same for me.
change isnt necesarily bad, but i am a creature of habit, and change to me means leaving my comfort zone.
2006 was one hell of a year for me, wit more downs than ups, but hey, shit happens. a lot.
do i wish i could take it all back?no, i dont, because these experiences have moulded me into a better person. as hassan says "i've seen you grow this last few months, your more mature now"
but every now n then, THAT feeling crawls back into the depths of my neurotic mind.
oh well, in any case, i jus wanted to wish everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
see u guys next yr!!

fishing at mornington peninsula... my first and only catch: a flat head
no snappers :-(
yesterday i was a naive 19 yr old embarking on a foreign journey to fulfil my lifelong dream of studyin overseas.
today, im all packed, getting ready to head home, as a 21 yr old, a soon to be clinical student.
my flight is tomm morning, and as excited as i am to be seeing my paula, my family and my frens, part of me is dreading the change tht will come when i return next yr.
melbourne just wont be the same for me.
change isnt necesarily bad, but i am a creature of habit, and change to me means leaving my comfort zone.
2006 was one hell of a year for me, wit more downs than ups, but hey, shit happens. a lot.
do i wish i could take it all back?no, i dont, because these experiences have moulded me into a better person. as hassan says "i've seen you grow this last few months, your more mature now"
but every now n then, THAT feeling crawls back into the depths of my neurotic mind.
oh well, in any case, i jus wanted to wish everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
see u guys next yr!!

fishing at mornington peninsula... my first and only catch: a flat head
no snappers :-(
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