FCUK buddies??

me and jem with our ying & yang FCUK caps
FCUK buddies for life!! lol
anyways its been a long time since i blogged...exams are comin!!! ive been piggin out WAY too much. today i bought the coles choc mud cake thinkin shasti was comin over to watch desperate housewives, but obviously i got stood up. oh well. ended up eatin half the cake. thts like 4640 KJ (yes i did the maths). 67.2 grams of fat. n yet, i complain tht im fat? Nandini oh Nandini, when will u learn?
in any case i went to the gym in the evening.. didnt work out enough to burn of tht choc mud cake but hey, its better than nothin.
last saturday was gaush's 21st...at this place in lygon called birra bella... was a really cool place.. gaush had a hot red dress (i havent got the pics yet, once i do i'l put up the pic of gaush) vasi wore a white dress and i kept wondering why she changed to a black dress halfway through the party until i realised it was her IDENTICAL twin!! she's doin med too, but in melbourne uni...how cool is it to have a twin??
the theme was the same as my party: black n white..anyways, i went wit david n had loads of fun! here are some pics:
ladies and gentlemen, meet david cukierman (pronounced sukiman, its jewish, he swears it means "sugarman", im not sure if tht was a joke or is he for real)
the 4th year meddie, who took last yr off n travelled to europe n bali, and is takin next yr off as well!! SLACKER!!!

its so good to know someone who loves takin pics like me!!! lol

im still trying to figure out why we are laughin in this pic....
mix your milk with my cocoa puffs, milky milky cocoa
mix your milk with my cocoa puffs, milky milky RIDE......
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