Tuesday, March 20, 2007

a pledge for breast cancer, plz?pretty plz?

ok..so u guys can probably figure out from my MSN nick.. i've decided to shave my head for charity...breast cancer specifically. if i can get up to $1000 bucks, i'l do it. no, seriously, i will do it.

i know a lot of u guys are probably thinkin tht donating to the breast cancer foundation is overrated coz they probably get a lot of funding as it is, but the fact tht i've lost my dear cousin to breast cancer makes this an issue tht is close to heart.

so far i've got 5 pledges from frens...and im up to $100.

$900 more to go. anyone willing to see a bald nan?

as for now, the plan is to do it on september 14, coz tht coincides with the day my cousin passed away. but i suppose if i reach my target before tht, no point in waitin right?

so guys, let me know if u would like to make a pledge, doesnt matter how small, its the thought tht counts!

on a different note, the application thingy for kevin to come to Australia is lookin optimistic. *fingers crossed*

nan. out.


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