keep your rosaries of my ovaries?
"keeps your rosaries of my ovaries"
thts wat this sign says for those of u who cant read it. is it just me or does tht sound absolutely hilarious?
i was in San Francisco wit my sis this weekend and witnessed, not one but TWO protest, SIDE BY SIDE! first, there was the pro life, anti abortion protest and then next to them came the pro choice feminists. Only in America. only in America. God, i love this country.
wat got me thinkin...was one woman carrying a banner tht said "pro choice, pro health" and was chanting somethin abt abortion preventing poverty from gettin worse among the poor.
it never occured to me tht having an abortion was actually a way of improving overall quality of health of a given population. but it actually does make sense when u thk abt it.
take this scenario for instance, woman gets pregnant, but woman is living in poverty and can barely feed herself. in such a case, is it really better to have an abortion, or is it better to have the child, knowing tht u are going to bring the child knowing very well tht u are not able to provide for the child?
at what point does quality of life overide sanctity of life? or does it ever?
ok now before ppl start floodin my inbox wit hate mail, by all means, im not condoning abortion. if it were me, i dont thk i would ever have the heart to do it(but then again i dont live in poverty). i just thk tht we live in a day and age where freedom of choice is a very important thing, but at the same time, we need to understand the repercussions of our actions. if tht woman doesnt have the abortion, she essentially has doomed the child to a life of poverty, no education, no proper nutrition, no proper sanitation, etc etc.. basically a life of doom (talkin abt sanitaiton, did u know tht it has been voted the most important medical milestone in the last century). if she has the abortion, the child wont suffer, but im sure as hell tht karma will bite her back in the ass. well, at least thts what i thk. im strong believer of karma.
there's 2 options:
a)use contraceptives!
remember, "it takes 2 to tango!" (from the aussie add abt using condoms AND the pill)
remember, "it takes 2 to tango!" (from the aussie add abt using condoms AND the pill)
b)DONT have sex to begin with.
which i thk works fine..because the ppl who are against abortions are usually church goin ppl who dont believe in premarital sex right? and the ones who are pro choice have no issues with contraceptives. so why do we still have this prolife-pro choice debate?
feel free to correct me if im wrong.
imagine having to protest the whole day in a cage wearing a george bush mask and outfit. hmmm...
i deeply apologise if this post offends anyone, tht was certainly not my intention. i was just stating a matter of opinion.
on a brighter note...
my sis and i took a cruise to alcatraz today. the weather in SF was awesome. simply awesome. oh btw, carol i have a pic of me drinkin red bull near the golden gate bridge. im too tired now but do remind me to send it to u one of these days.

anyways, my sis is such a huge fan of the movie "The Rock" (even more than me) and god, she was so dissapointed tht alcatraz wasnt really how it appeared in the movie. like DUH! they probably filmed a large part of it in a studio. in any case, my sister's ability to remember minute details from the movie (or other things for tht matter) never fails to impress me. she really is the smartest on in the family. not too mention the most hardworking. how is it i ended up wit a scholarship and she didnt?????
anyways, my sis is such a huge fan of the movie "The Rock" (even more than me) and god, she was so dissapointed tht alcatraz wasnt really how it appeared in the movie. like DUH! they probably filmed a large part of it in a studio. in any case, my sister's ability to remember minute details from the movie (or other things for tht matter) never fails to impress me. she really is the smartest on in the family. not too mention the most hardworking. how is it i ended up wit a scholarship and she didnt?????
after tht we headed to pier 39..tht very well might have been my last time we're goin there since im leaving on the 28th (sob sob)

@ pier 39
@ pier 39
only 1 more week in america... :(
my adorable sister who thinks i suck at takin pics. in my defense, this pic isnt all tht bad.
im gonna miss america. :(
i'l be back uncle sam, i will.
hopefully sometime in dec 07/jan 08??
remember ppl, donate to the "send nandini to europe and america" fund. i take cheques.
thank you.
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