groupie meets KK the rock star... in the new and upcomin rock capital..Swan hill!!
after a long and tiring day(of concerts and being chased by groupies)..rock star KK retreats to his crib for some guitar practice and chillin out..

but suddenly, a groupie appears to have managed to get pass the heavy security..

and is obviously smitten and taken aback by rock star's amazing talent..

and decides to reward rock star..

rock star throws guitar..

and follows groupie...

rock star is happy. very happy.

and off they go...

into the room..

after several mins... rock star appears to be...lying down..tired perhaps?

but on closer inspection..rock star appears to have fallen asleep..

leavin groupie somewhat...disappointed..

meanwhile, outside in the livin room, a blues musician, unaware of the occurings in the rock stars' crib is strummin a few tunes to himself..

blues musician waves to groupie..

and is utterly shocked to see rock star come out wit groupie..

groupie, somwhat afraid of blues musician..

decides to bolt..

leavin blues musician to confront rock star..

engulfed in rage...

blues musician beats up rock star wit guitar..

and beats him...

rock star goes down...

rock star and blues musician meet and understandin (whatever tht is) and shake hands..

and so peace is once again restored in the world of Swan Hill..
p.s--> this story is fictional. any resemblance to any real person, dead or alive, is unintentional.

but suddenly, a groupie appears to have managed to get pass the heavy security..

and is obviously smitten and taken aback by rock star's amazing talent..

and decides to reward rock star..

rock star throws guitar..

and follows groupie...

rock star is happy. very happy.

and off they go...

into the room..

after several mins... rock star appears to be...lying down..tired perhaps?

but on closer inspection..rock star appears to have fallen asleep..

leavin groupie somewhat...disappointed..

meanwhile, outside in the livin room, a blues musician, unaware of the occurings in the rock stars' crib is strummin a few tunes to himself..

blues musician waves to groupie..

and is utterly shocked to see rock star come out wit groupie..

groupie, somwhat afraid of blues musician..

decides to bolt..

leavin blues musician to confront rock star..

engulfed in rage...

blues musician beats up rock star wit guitar..

and beats him...

rock star goes down...

rock star and blues musician meet and understandin (whatever tht is) and shake hands..

and so peace is once again restored in the world of Swan Hill..
p.s--> this story is fictional. any resemblance to any real person, dead or alive, is unintentional.